Monday, January 15, 2007

Back to the basics

The days of adhering to the famed 1970s slogan, "know your farmer, know your food" seem to be long gone. So what? Do I really need to shake hands with the guy who's growing the strawberries? As long as I can get them to make delicious smoothies on these chilly January days, I'm good.
These days, we are so far removed from the things that we eat that we don't know where they are grown, by whom, and most importantly, using what techniques. Nearly non-existent labeling laws force us to put blind faith in the systems that bring our food from the ground to the table. And a western attitude that demands immediate satisfaction - having what one wants, when one wants it - places stress on ecosystems, justifying the use of synthetic pesticides, hormones, and fertilizers.
Modern organic farming has gained enormous popularity in the last decade. In order to continue trading organic food internationally, specifically to the UK, Canada recently created national standards for organic farming.
Read the new regulations and check back often to read about the many issues relating to organic food and farming.

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